Failed to install service pack for unknown certification authority

I am trying to install the Go module from bitbucket like this:

go get


But I am getting the following error:

package Get : x509: certificate signed by an unknown user

Google led me to the instructions for this post , after which I edited /etc/mercurial/hgrc

to contain:

cacerts = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt


as stated for my OS (Debian), however I still get the same error.

what else can i do?


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1 answer

it looks like I'm still using 1.0.2 (version provided with Debian wheezy)

Given that this looks like a Go 1.0 bug, the first thing to check is to upgrade to 1.3+.

net / http: use tls host instead of proxy when verifying certificate

This can fix the problem with the certificate.
Golang Debian packages mentions 1.3.2 (but for Debian Jessie, not raucous)

You can follow " How to Install Golang 1.1 (+) on Debian from the Repository " for more information. (Done after " How can I start Debian but install some packages from testing? ")



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