Entity Framework: "Spoofing" the requested navigation property

I would like to "fake" a navigation property in an EF-mapped class.

Consider an example where I have books (denoted by "isbn") and purchases (denoted by "isbn" too) - note that books and purchases are intentionally NOT directly related to each other.

Now I would like to create an extension method for "Books" that returns all book purchases in the requested format, something like

public class Book
    public virtual string isbn { get; set; }
    public virtual string name { get; set; }

    // Pseudo-code .. does not work, throws an exception
    // "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method [...], and this method cannot
    // be translated into a store expression
    public virtual IQueryable<Purchase> get_purchases(DbContext context)
        return context.Purchases.Where(purchase => purchase.isbn == this.isbn);

public class Purchase
    public virtual string isbn { get; set; }
    public virtual double price { get; set; }


So in the end, I would like to do any arbitrary queries such as (completely random example)

dbContext.Books.Where(book => book.get_purchases(dbContext).Where(purchase => purchase.price > 90))


But as mentioned in the comment, my approach doesn't work as EF / LINQ cannot use my extension method.

Is there a way to do this? The operator must be translated into one SQL query; I don't want to use any methods like .ToList () to avoid unnecessary huge datasets.

Could this work by creating a function that returns

Expression<Func<Book, IQueryable<Purchase>>>


or something like that? (Couldn't try, while I'm totally terrible at writing expressions) or is there another approach?

Disclaimer: There is a good reason not to explicitly list Purchases ↔ Bonds; should not be relevant to the question, but the background is based on Floremin's answer to this question



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1 answer

LINQ for objects translates LINQ queries into SQL queries, which are then sent and executed against the database (server). This is why you are getting an exception that your method get_purchases

cannot be translated into a store expression (SQL).

To get books that have been paid for over 90, you can use the LINQ Join operator:

var books = from b in dBContext.Books
            join p in dBContext.Purchases on b.isbn equals p.isbn
            where p.price > 90
            select b;


Here is a great LINQ resource: LINQ 101

If you want to have EF-like navigation properties, such as Book.Purchases

where there is no actual link in the database, you need to create your own data repository layer that will be initialized with DbContext

that will be used in all properties and methods. Then you will use this for all data access - i.e. You will never use it DbContext

directly in your code. This is a good practice for large projects, especially if you need to implement some business rules and data manipulation before it is stored in the database. Take a look at the "Repository Pattern" and you will surely find many resources.

Here's one: Using the Repository Pattern with ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework



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