Recursive function in Prolog
I am trying to compute a recursive function:
f(x, y) = 0 if x = 0;
f(x, y) = 1 if x = 1;
f(x, y) = y*y*f(x-2,y) if x>1.
I tried this way:
XX is X-2,
ZZ = Y*Y*Z,
I can only get true / false. How to calculate the value of this function?
Many thanks!
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2 answers
You can easily turn this into a true relation by simply using CLP (FD) constraints:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
f(0, _, 0).
f(1, _, 1).
f(X, Y, Z):-
X #> 1,
XX #= X-2,
Z #= Y*Y*ZZ,
f(XX, Y, ZZ).
An example of a request and its result:
?- f(X, 5, Z). X = Z, Z = 0 ; X = Z, Z = 1 ; X = 2, Z = 0 ; X = 3, Z = 25 .
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