How can I write this typedef enum from object c in swift?

Below, I have objective-c code that is used for tinder style animation effect, inspired by - .


typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger , GGOverlayViewMode) {

- (void)setMode:(GGOverlayViewMode)mode
    if (_mode == mode) return;

    _mode = mode;
    if (mode == GGOverlayViewModeLeft) {
        self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"button1"];
    } else {
        self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"button2"];


I am trying to copy the same thing in swift. This is what I have in the quick -

enum GGOverlayViewMode : Int {
    case GGOverlayViewModeLeft
    case GGOverlayViewModeRight

    func setMode(mode: GGOverlayViewMode){
//        if (_ mode == mode) {
//            return
//        }
//        _mode = mode;

        if(mode == GGOverlayViewMode.GGOverlayViewModeLeft) {
            imageView.image = UIImage(named: "button1")
        } else {
            imageView.image = UIImage(named: "button2")


But somehow it doesn't make sense, how do I handle typdefs here.

Any help is appreciated.



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2 answers

In Swift, each enumeration has its own member values, so you don't have to prefix them with a unique prefix like in (Objective-) C. A typical definition would be

enum GGOverlayViewMode  {
    case Left
    case Right


Also, you don't need to specify a base "raw type" (for example Int

), unless you have other reasons to do so.

Instead of a custom configuration method, you must implement a property observer . didSet

is called immediately after saving the new value and has an implicit parameter oldValue

containing the old value of the property:

var mode : GGOverlayViewMode = .Right {
    didSet {
        if mode != oldValue {
            switch mode {
            case .Left : 
                imageView.image = UIImage(named: "button1")
            case .Right:
                imageView.image = UIImage(named: "button2")




I think quickly, your function would look like this.

enum GGOverlayViewMode : Int 
case GGOverlayViewModeLeft
case GGOverlayViewModeRight

func setMode(mode: GGOverlayViewMode){
switch mode
  case .GGOverlayViewModeLeft:
  imageView.image = UIImage(named: "button1")
  case .GGOverlayViewModeRight:
  imageView.image = UIImage(named: "button2")




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