Spring MongoDB data and allowDiskUse

I have a request like this:

            {$match : { $and: [
                                {"eventUTCDate" : {
                                                    $gte : '01-10-2014'
                    {"eventUTCDate" : {
                                                    $lt : '31-10-2014'
                                                    $exists: true
                                {testMode : false},
                                {eventID : {
                                            $in : [
                                                    230, // ContentDiscoveredEvent
                                                    204, // ContentSLAStartEvent
                                                    211, // ContentProcessedEndEvent
                                                    255, // ContentValidationStatusEvent
                                                    256, // ContentErrorEvent
                                                    231, // ContentAnalyzedEvent
                                                    240, // ContentTranscodeStartEvent
                                                    241, // ContentTranscodeEndEvent
                                                    252  // AbortJobEvent
                                                    //205, 207
          {$project : 
                            event : {
                                eventID                 : "$eventID",
                                eventUTCDate            : "$eventUTCDate", 
                                processState            : "$processState", 
                                jobInstanceId           : "$jobInstanceId", 
                                mpTransactionId         : "$mpTransactionId",
                                eventUID                : "$eventUID",
                                contextJobInstanceId    : "$context.jobInstanceId", 
                                contextValidationStatus : "$context.validationStatus", 
                                metaUpdateOnly          : "$metaUpdateOnly", 
                                errorCode               : "$errorCode",
                                transcodingProfileName  : "$transcodingProfileName",
                                contextAssetId          : "$context.assetId"
          // Creating the hash map <mpTransactionId, listOfAssociatedEvents>
          {$group   :     {
                            "_id"               : "$event.mpTransactionId", 
                            "chainOfEvents"     : {$addToSet : "$event"}
          // Sorting by chainOfEvents.eventUTCDate
          {$unwind      : "$chainOfEvents"}, 
          {$sort        : {
          {$group       : {
                            _id :"$_id", 
                            chainOfEvents: {


which contains over 1.2 million records and dies. Error message

assert: command failed: {
        "errmsg" : "exception: Sort exceeded memory limit of 104857600 bytes, but did not opt in to external sorting. Aborting operation. Pass allowDi
skUse:true to opt in.",
        "code" : 16819,
        "ok" : 0
} : aggregate failed


I fix this by adding between the last closing brackets (square and round)

,{allowDiskUsage: true}


Now I am trying to express the same using Spring Data for MongoDB and my Java code looks like this:

MatchOperation match = Aggregation.match( new Criteria()
                            .and("eventID").in(230, 204, 211, 255, 256, 231, 240, 241, 252) );

    ProjectionOperation projection = Aggregation.project().and("event").
                                nested(bind("eventID", "eventID").
                                        and("eventUTCDate", "eventUTCDate").
                                        and("processState", "processState").
                                        and("jobInstanceId", "jobInstanceId").
                                        and("mpTransactionId", "mpTransactionId").
                                        and("eventUID", "eventUID").
                                        and("contextJobInstanceId", "context.jobInstanceId").
                                        and("contextValidationStatus", "context.validationStatus").
                                        and("metaUpdateOnly", "metaUpdateOnly").
                                        and("errorCode", "errorCode").
                                        and("transcodingProfileName", "transcodingProfileName").
                                        and("contextAssetId", "context.assetId"));

    GroupOperation group = Aggregation.group("event.mpTransactionId").addToSet("event").as("chainOfEvents");

    UnwindOperation unwind = Aggregation.unwind("chainOfEvents");

    SortOperation sort = Aggregation.sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "chainOfEvents.eventUTCDate");

    GroupOperation groupAgain = Aggregation.group("_id").push("chainOfEvents").as("eventsList");

    Aggregation agg = newAggregation(Event.class, match,  projection, group, unwind, sort, groupAgain).withOptions(Aggregation.newAggregationOptions().allowDiskUse(true).build());
    AggregationResults<EventsChain> results = mongoOps.aggregate(agg, "tqaP", EventsChain.class);


but I am getting a set of empty results. This query worked for a smaller dataset. I just added



to adapt to the size of the data. Can anyone tell if I am using it incorrectly?

I am using MongoDB 2.6.4 and Spring-Data-MongoDB version 1.6.1-RELEASE.


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1 answer

I saw the code, this is a hardcoded batch package from 2147483647, you can use:

AggregationOptions options = AggregationOptions.builder().allowDiskUse(true).batchSize(100).build();
mongo.getCollection("COLLECTION").aggregate(list, options);


it works!



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