How do I get the index of a type that matches some predicate?

I have a variation list of types and I want to find the index of the first type with the base of the type Base

. If he cannot find it, he must return it -1

. This is how I would like to do it:

typedef std::tuple<A, B, C> Tuple;

int idx = find_if<std::is_base_of, Base, Tuple>::value;


Where std::is_base_of

is the predicate Base

is its argument, and the tuple are the elements to test.


source to share

1 answer

What about

constexpr std::size_t npos = -1;

template <template <class T> class, typename, std::size_t pos = 0>
struct find_if;

template <template <class T> class Pred, typename T, std::size_t pos, typename... tail>
struct find_if<Pred, std::tuple<T, tail...>, pos> :
                     std::integral_constant<std::size_t, pos>,
                     find_if<Pred, std::tuple<tail...>, pos+1>>::type {};

template <template <class T> class Pred>
struct find_if<Pred, std::tuple<>> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, npos> {};

template <template <class, class> class T, class U>
struct bind
    template <class X>
    using first  = T<U, X>;
    template <class X>
    using second = T<X, U>;


Use this:

find_if<bind<std::is_base_of, Base>::first, Tuple>::value


Demo .



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