JQuery Offcanvas menu on the right

I am trying to display the jasny-bootstap offcanvas menu on the right, not the default. I changed the left position to .navmenu-fixed-right instead of navmenu-fixed-left and I even tried to change the position in the javascript file.

It walks to the right, but doesn't slide as well as it should.

original (left): http://jasny.github.io/bootstrap/examples/navmenu-push/

right (view): http://jsfiddle.net/821ubfq3/

<div class="navmenu navmenu-default navmenu-fixed-right offcanvas">


Any idea on how to fix the insertion on the right?


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1 answer

Found this problem too, the following lines of CSS fixed it for me.

.navmenu-fixed-right {left: auto !important;}
body.canvas-sliding, body.canvas-slid {left: auto !important;}




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