SQLite: how to select only filename without extension?

I need to extract the filename without extension from one of the tables I have.

I currently use

SELECT filename FROM files     


Used by

which returns the fully qualified filename (Jessica.Timber.mp3). So is it possible to get just the filename using sqlite (ex: Jessica.Timber)? Files can contain multiple "." but only the last dot followed by ext should be removed.

I tried the following query which gives the result if the extension is only 3 letters long (ex: * .mp3), but it fails if there is more than this (ex: * .flac)

SELECT substr(filename, -4, -100) from files;    



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2 answers

Below is the request - you will get the filename without the extension, regardless of the length of the extension. The file name can contain any number of characters .

(checked and verified)

select replace(filename
             , '.' || replace(filename
                            , rtrim(filename, replace(filename, '.', '') )
                            , '')
             , '')
  from files;



create table files (filename);
insert into files values ("ph.otoJpg.jpg"), ("ph.otoJpeg.jpeg");


Then the above code gives:





SQLite has no built-in string functions to help with this.

It would be possible to create a recursive CTE, but the simplest way is to get the full filename and remove the extension in your code.



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