What are Lexing's mistakes in cucumbers?

I tried to run a simple function file, but I was getting an exception: Exception on thread "main" cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: parse description file.

which is called: gherkin.lexer.LexingError: Lexing error

I am trying to parameterize a When statement and got this exception:

Scenario: Login to Gmail

  Given User is on Gmail login page
  When User enters <userName> and <pwd>
  And Clicks on login button
  Then User should redirect to home page

  scenario outline(tried Examples as well but didn't worked): 
  |userName   | pwd |
  |ravivani10 | abc |



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6 answers

The correct syntax for a script outline is to start with the Script structure: keyword and list examples using the Examples: keyword .

Scenario Outline: Login to Gmail
  Given User is on Gmail login page
  When User enters <userName> and <pwd>
  And Clicks on login button
  Then User should redirect to home page
  | userName   | pwd |
  | ravivani10 | abc |




I had the same problem, but I was using the correct syntax. It turns out my formatting was wrong, yes you read it right: formatting. My script looked like this:

Scenario Outline: Confirm that hitting the endpoint returns the expected data
    Given uri url/to/a/service/to/test/param/{interval} and method GET
    And system user
    When I call the web service
    Then I expect that 'http status is' '200'
    And the following rules must apply to the response
        | element                     | expectation         | value                |
        | $                           | is not null         |                      |
        | objectType                  | value =             | Volume               |
        | objectData                  | is not null         |                      |
        | objectData                  | count =             | 1                    |
        | objectData[0].value         | is not null         |                      |
        | objectData[0].value         | data type is        | float                |
        | objectData[0].value         | value =             | <value>              |
        | interval | value     |
        | int1     | 355.77    |
        | int2     | 332.995   |
        | int3     | 353.71125 |


The above test will fail with Lexing error. Now take a look at the indentation in my example test (it's one level down in the Ouline script).

If I backtrack my test like this (same level as the script outline):

Scenario Outline: Confirm that hitting the endpoint returns the expected data
    Given uri url/to/a/service/to/test/param/{interval} and method GET
    And system user
    When I call the web service
    Then I expect that 'http status is' '200'
    And the following rules must apply to the response
        | element                     | expectation         | value                |
        | $                           | is not null         |                      |
        | objectType                  | value =             | Volume               |
        | objectData                  | is not null         |                      |
        | objectData                  | count =             | 1                    |
        | objectData[0].value         | is not null         |                      |
        | objectData[0].value         | data type is        | float                |
        | objectData[0].value         | value =             | <value>              |
    | interval | value     |
    | int1     | 355.77    |
    | int2     | 332.995   |
    | int3     | 353.71125 |


The above test will pass. Completely dumb to me, but that's how it works.



A lexing error from cucumber means the function file was not in the format that cucumber expects. This could be things like a script title with no content, or with a "Feature: blah" title twice. This will happen even if the error is not in the scenario in which you are working.

A vocabulary error usually gives you a line number. Can you post the message he is complaining about?



This can be caused by the lack of final |

at the end of each data line. This is not a reason for OP, but might help someone else.



I got the same error and it was caused by the space between the word "Outline" and the colon character

Scenario Outline : Convert currencies


When I removed the space, I had this:

Scenario Outline: Convert currencies


..and the problem was resolved.

To identify the abuser, check your error logs and you will see on the line the line number where the error is located. I hope this helps someone



You need to do a couple of things: A) remove spaces in Feature: and Scripts: keywords; and B) change the script schema to script (or add missing schema examples).

If you run this function:

Feature: proof of concept that my framework is working

Scenario: my first test Considering this is my first test When this is my second step Then this is the last step Then cucumber will output the step definitions to complete:

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with the following snippets:

Given (/ ^ this is my first test $ /) do pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions end

When (/ ^ This is my second step $ /) do pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions end

Then (/ ^ This is the last step $ /) do pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions end



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