Swagger interface has wrong base path

I am using grape gem and SwaggerUI standalone installation . My API documentation is at http://example.com/api/v1/docs/ . SwaggerUI discovers all resources but sends all requests to http://example.com/v1/foo (missing "api /" from url). Why is this?


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2 answers

For documentation, if anyone is experiencing the same problem: There is a parameter for the grape-swagger method add_swagger_documentation

called base_path

. In my case, I had to specify

base_path: '/api'




Had the same problem using maven with spring-boot ans swagger-ui 2.4.0. A possible incompatibility with other packages such as Thymelear regarding resource URLs could be causing this problem.

As a workaround, I could overcome the broken links by reassigning the url like this:

public class CustomResourceMapping extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter  { 
    public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {




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