Sum values ​​from selected column strsplit in dataframe in R

Suppose I have a data frame in R

with two columns: value

and my_letters


> my_foo
   value  my_letters
1      5     d f h b
2      3 j f i a b g
3      1   d g j f i
4      1     h i b e
5      4       c d a
6      6     i d j e
7      7     b h f i
8      5       h d g
9     10   h e i f a
10     3     h g d i


Each element my_letters

is 3-6 non-repeating letters , separated by spaces.

I can count how often each letter occurs:

> table( unlist( strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " " ) ) )

a b c d e f g h i j 
3 4 1 6 3 5 4 6 7 3 


But what if I want to receive a weighted amount for value


So it a

appears three times: on line 2 with a value of 3, line 5 with a value of 4, line 9 with a value of 10. So for a

I want to see 3 + 4 + 10 = 17. (note that it value

can be repeated)

Is there a good way plyr

/ dplyr

/ tidyr

to do this? (or even apply



The code for creating this dataframe (which I'm sure there is a neater way):

library( plyr )

foo    <- replicate( 10, letters[ sample( 10, sample(3:6, 1), replace = F ) ] )
foo2   <- laply( foo, function(d) paste(d, collapse = " ") )
my_foo <- data.frame( value=sample(10, replace=T), my_letters = foo2 )

# count how often each letter appears
table( unlist( strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " " ) ) )



source to share

3 answers

I would use cSplit

from my splitstackshape package:

cSplit(my_foo, "my_letters", " ", "long")[, sum(value), by = my_letters]
#     my_letters V1
#  1:          d 24
#  2:          f 26
#  3:          h 31
#  4:          b 16
#  5:          j 10
#  6:          i 31
#  7:          a 17
#  8:          g 12
#  9:          e 17
# 10:          c  4


By the way, here's an alternative to your line table


cSplit(my_foo, "my_letters", " ", "long")[, .N, by = my_letters]


Update - Benchmarks

@Nicola's basic solution is good, but it doesn't scale well. A better alternative would be to use:

xtabs(rep(as.numeric(my_foo$value), vapply(myletters, length, 1L) ~
      unlist(myletters, use.names = FALSE))



becomes important if you expect the totals to be very large, at which point xtabs

will give you integer overflow errors.

Here are some comparison functions:

fun1 <- function() {
  myletters <- strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " ", TRUE)
            vapply(myletters, length, 1L)) ~ unlist(myletters))

fun2 <- function() cSplit(my_foo, "my_letters", " ", "long")[, sum(value), by = my_letters]

fun3a <- function() {
  myletters<-strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " " )

fun3b <- function() {
  myletters<-strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " " , TRUE)


Here are some sample data. Change n

to experiment with different sizes. We'll start with a modest 1000 lines.

library( plyr )
n <- 1000
foo    <- replicate(n, letters[ sample( 10, sample(3:6, 1), replace = F ) ] )
foo2   <- laply( foo, function(d) paste(d, collapse = " ") )
my_foo <- data.frame( value=sample(n, replace=T), my_letters = foo2 )


Initial timings:

#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.006   0.000   0.006 
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.013   0.000   0.013 
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.844   0.024   0.870 
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.533   0.020   0.561 


Below are some timings with n <- 100000

before sample data generation:

#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.911   0.004   0.916 
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.537   0.004   0.551 




A base

R solution:

    myletters<-strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " " )




You can use the solution base R

                      value)]), sep='', what='', quiet=TRUE))

 # a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
 #17 16  4 24 17 26 12 31 31 10 


Or count


lst <- strsplit( as.character(my_foo$my_letters), " " ) 
 unnest(setNames(lst, my_foo$value), val) %>%
                                      mutate(val=as.numeric(val)) %>%
                                      count(x, wt=val)
 #   x  n
 #1  a 17
 #2  b 16
 #3  c  4
 #4  d 24
 #5  e 17
 #6  f 26
 #7  g 12
 #8  h 31
 #9  i 31
 #10 j 10




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