Django Rest Framework + Django-Allauth Password Reset
I am trying to create a password recovery thread using Django Rest Framework and Django-Allauth.
Django-Allauth already does everything I need, my question is if I can programmatically call the django-allauth function or view from DRF that receives the email I want to reset and continues with the rest of the normal allauth flow (e.g. generating temporary tokens and sending email to the client?
I see no reason to rewrite all this code if one of the applications does everything that I need. just need help on how to "glue" them :)
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2 answers
I understood that
I added this to my DRF resource
methods=['post'], permission_classes=[AllowAny],
def recover_password(self, request):
if request.DATA.get('email'):
# Lets be smart and reuse django-allauth password recovery system
form = ResetPasswordForm({'email': request.DATA.get('email')})
if form.is_valid():
return Response(status=200)
return Response(status=400)
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In case it helps, solved this problem by simply creating a new class to override the password serializer.
from rest_auth.serializers import PasswordResetSerializer
from allauth.account.forms import ResetPasswordForm
class PasswordSerializer (PasswordResetSerializer):
password_reset_form_class = ResetPasswordForm
Then be sure to add this to your settings:
'PASSWORD_RESET_SERIALIZER': 'api.helpers.pwdreset.PasswordSerializer',
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