How to get multiple django requirement files mentioned in fig file for docker deployment to developer, staging and prod servers?

I just wrote my first fig file. This makes docker work really awesome.

I want fig to run my local, staging and prod containers. So I wrote 3 different fig files. fig-dev.yml, fig-stage.yml and fig-prod.yml.

Three yml files contain images to be pulled as required by three servers.

In my django apps I have 3 different requirements files (local requirements, staging requirements and production). I wanted to list each of the three yml files. Since we can pip install *-requirements.txt

only run on a Dockerfile.

Impossible, I can output the code to different servers and when building it I can pass flags as to which requirements file to set things to.

There is an issue in the figure that asks for support for multiple Dockerfiles. Is there a way I can pull the code, pass a flag to indicate what requirements to install from?



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