Unexplained StreamLimitationException on Android with Deezer SDK

I am using Deezer Android SDK. In the first order everything works for me, but sometimes it throws a "StreamLimitationException" explaining that the Deezer account is being used on another device. However, I know that the account is not being used on another device - not a mobile device, not a browser. I even changed the account password to make sure no one is using it.

I am using TrackPlayer. I found that if I try to reuse the same track player for multiple songs, it doesn't work. So every time I want to play a new song, I call the stop () methods, then release () on the existing TrackPlayer, and then I get a new one.

The exception is thrown sometimes when I try to start playing a new song. This seems random to me as I don't know of a single fixed timeout relative to when the DeezerConnect object is allowed. Also, I'm trying to minimize the possibility of a timeout - I've used both:






no luck.

Also, I tried to periodically re-authorize my deezerConnect object every few minutes, but it didn't work.

As one of the last attempts, I logged into my account on the Deezer website and deleted everything on the My Apps page. Then I re-enabled the application I am working on. But I still got caught in the exception.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue?



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1 answer

This turns out to be an easy solution. DeezerConnect.authorize () takes a "permissions" argument. I changed mine from

    final String[] permissions = new String[] {



    final String[] permissions = new String[] {
            Permissions.OFFLINE_ACCESS // For no timeout


As described at https://developers.deezer.com/api/oauth .

Problem solved!



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