Spark Scala scala.util.control.Exception catching and dropping Not on map

I am writing a Spark application in scala and want to handle a dirty input file.

// CSV file
val raw_data = sc.textFile(...)

val clean_data =
  .map( r => (r(0), r(1).toDouble)


will throw a NumberFormatException when r (1) is not a number. This happens on a small number of lines in the ugly input.

I finally landed on an ugly way to achieve what I need:

import scala.util.control.Exception._

val clean_data =
  .map( r => (r(0),
  .filter( r => r._2 != None)
  .map( r => (r._1, r._2.get))


This leaves me with two questions.

1) What is the best way to just discard the wrong lines in the map?

2) How can I handle catching option types without having to explicitly filter None first and then display and apply the .get function on non-None values?

I tried to apply the .flatMap (identity) step to get rid of Nones, but got the expected exception: TraversableOnce [?].


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1 answer

In Spark collect(pf:PartialFunction)

is the twin brother of scala collections collect

and exists for exactly this purpose: keep those collection elements that are defined in the partial function.

val rawData = sc.textFile(...)

val cleanData =
             .collect{ case Array(x,y) if (Try(y.toDouble).isSuccess) (x,y.toDouble) }


Another option that doesn't evaluate .toDouble

twice would be to use flatMap:

val cleanData =
                       .flatMap(entry => Try(entry.toDouble).toOption)


Note. It's a little confusing in Spark that there is a parameterless method collect

designed to get data from an RDD for a driver.



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