Group and count with linq

I have a datatable. I would like to list double entries. This I would do with a simple sql query like:

SELECT artnr, COUNT(artnr) AS cnt FROM table GROUP BY artnr HAVING COUNT(artnr)>1


How does it look like with linq?

Every time I need to work with linq I am always stuck with it. I really don't like it.



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2 answers

Not sure what your table looks like, but try it. Also I am sure there are many stack answers that illustrate grouping in VB. This may be a duplicate question.

Dim artnrGroups = From a In table _
                    Group a By Key = a.artnr Into Group _
                    Where Group.Count() > 1
                    Select artnr = Key, numbersCount = Group.Count()




And you can put Count () in this query like this

Dim duplicateRows = From row In table _
           Group row By row.artnr Into g _
           Where g.Count() > 1 _
           Select row




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