How to target only table row by clicking on angularJS ng-show and ng-hide

I have a table in an angularJS application. What I am trying to do is add a toggle function to show / hide the data section of the table. The function works, but it switches every row of the table. I need it to only switch the line it was clicked on: Here is an example screencast:


<tr data-toggle="modal" data-ng-repeat="program in listPrograms | orderBy:predicatemodal:reverse | filter: searchPrograms" isdisabled-program ng-click="setSelected(this)" ng-class="selected">
    <div popover-placement="right" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover="{{program.programName}}">{{program.programName | characters:20}}</div>
<td>{{program.waDisplayName == null ? "N/A" :program.waDisplayName | characters:20}}</td>
<td >{{program.status}}</td>
    <div data-ng-hide="showButtons" class="showDate">{{program.updatedDate}}</div>
    <div data-ng-show="showButtons" class="showButtons">
        <a data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>edit</a>
        <a data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>details</a>
<td class="program-arrows" data-ng-click="toggleArrows($index)">toggle arrows<span></span>



$scope.toggleArrows = function (index) {
        $scope.showButtons = !$scope.showButtons;




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3 answers

You are changing the "global" property showButtons

. Try to come up with a property for each button:

<div data-ng-hide="program.showButtons" class="showDate">{{program.updatedDate}}</div>
<div data-ng-show="program.showButtons" class="showButtons">
    <!-- ... -->


$scope.toggleArrows = function (index) {
    var program = $scope.listPrograms[index];
    program.showButtons = !program.showButtons;


A better solution would be to add this method to the program prototype, assuming there is one:

Program.prototype.toggleArrows = function () {
    this.showButtons = !this.showButtons;


<td class="program-arrows" data-ng-click="program.toggleArrows()">toggle arrows<span></span>




The problem is that your variable showButtons

is primitive. In your code, you just change $scope.showButtons

which is only inside the main one scope

. But yours ng-repeat

has child scopes, each containing its own variable showButtons

. The most elegant solution is to simply change the value showButtons

in the context of the current child scope

. So you just change your function ng-click

like this:

<td class="program-arrows" data-ng-click="showButtons = !showButtons">toggle arrows<span></span></td>




This does the trick too:

$scope.toggleArrows = function (index) {
       this.showButtons = !this.showButtons;




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