Pandas TimeSeries With event duration

I've been looking for this for a while and haven't found the right solution. I have a time series with several million lines, which has a rather strange structure:

VisitorID Time              VisitDuration
1         01.01.2014 00:01  80 seconds
2         01.01.2014 00:03  37 seconds


I would like to know how many people are on the site at any given moment. To do this, I would have to turn this data into something much more:

Time             VisitorsPresent
01.01.2014 00:01 1
01.01.2014 00:02 1
01.01.2014 00:03 2 


But doing something like this seems extremely ineffective. My code:

dates = {}
for index, row in data.iterrows(): 
    for i in range(0,int(row["duration"])):
        dates[index+pd.DateOffset(seconds=i)] = dates.get(index+pd.DateOffset(seconds=i), 1) + 1


Then I was able to port this to the series and could redo it:

result = pd.Series(dates)


Could you point me in the right direction?

EDIT ---

Hi HYRY Here's the head ()

    uid join_time_UTC duration 
    0 1 2014-03-07 16:58:01 2953     
    1 2 2014-03-07 17:13:14 1954    
    2 3 2014-03-07 17:47:38 223

source to share

1 answer

First, create dummy data:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
start = pd.Timestamp("2014-11-01")
end = pd.Timestamp("2014-11-02")
N = 100000
t = np.random.randint(start.value, end.value, N)
t -= t % 1000000000

start = pd.to_datetime(np.array(t, dtype="datetime64[ns]"))
duration = pd.to_timedelta(np.random.randint(100, 1000, N), unit="s")
df = pd.DataFrame({"start":start, "duration":duration})
df["end"] = df.start + df.duration

print df.head(5)


This is what the data looks like:

   duration               start                 end
0  00:13:45 2014-11-01 08:10:45 2014-11-01 08:24:30
1  00:04:07 2014-11-01 23:15:49 2014-11-01 23:19:56
2  00:09:26 2014-11-01 14:04:10 2014-11-01 14:13:36
3  00:10:20 2014-11-01 19:40:45 2014-11-01 19:51:05
4  00:02:48 2014-11-01 02:25:47 2014-11-01 02:28:35


Then count the values:

enter_count = df.start.value_counts()
exit_count = df.end.value_counts()
df2 = pd.concat([enter_count, exit_count], axis=1, keys=["enter", "exit"])
df2.fillna(0, inplace=True)
print df2.head(5)


here are the counters:

                     enter  exit
2014-11-01 00:00:00      1     0
2014-11-01 00:00:02      2     0
2014-11-01 00:00:04      4     0
2014-11-01 00:00:06      2     0
2014-11-01 00:00:07      2     0


finally redo and speak:

df2["diff"] = df2["enter"] - df2["exit"]
counts = df2["diff"].resample("5min", how="sum").fillna(0).cumsum()



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