F #, FParsec and recursive flow call, second

Thank you for your responses to my first post and my second post on this project. This question is basically the same as the first question, but with my code updated according to the feedback I received on those two questions. How do I recursively call my parser?

I scratch my head and stare blankly at the code. I don't know where to go from here. This is when I go to stackoverflow.

I have included in the code the comments of the compile-time errors I am getting. One sticking point may be my discriminatory union. I haven't worked with discriminatory unions a lot, so I might misuse mine.

The POST example I'm working with, the bit I included in my previous two questions consists of one border that includes a second post with a new border. This second post includes several additional parts separated by a second border. Each of these few additional parts is a new entry made up of headers and XML.

My goal in this project is to create a library to be used in our C # solution, with a library taking a stream and returning a POST parsed into headers and parts recursively. I really want F # to shine here.

namespace MultipartMIMEParser

open FParsec
open System.IO

type Header = { name  : string
              ; value : string
              ; addl  : (string * string) list option }

type Content = Content of string
             | Post of Post list
and Post = { headers : Header list
           ; content : Content }

type UserState = { Boundary : string }
  with static member Default = { Boundary="" }

module internal P =
  let ($) f x = f x
  let undefined = failwith "Undefined."
  let ascii = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII
  let str cs = System.String.Concat (cs:char list)

  let makeHeader ((n,v),nvps) = { name=n; value=v; addl=nvps}

  let runP p s = match runParserOnStream p UserState.Default "" s ascii with
                 | Success (r,_,_) -> r
                 | Failure (e,_,_) -> failwith (sprintf "%A" e)

  let blankField = parray 2 newline

  let delimited d e =
      let pEnd = preturn () .>> e
      let part = spaces
                 >>. (manyTill
                      $ noneOf d
                      $ (attempt (preturn () .>> pstring d)
                                  <|> pEnd)) |>> str
       in part .>>. part

  let delimited3 firstDelimiter secondDelimiter thirdDelimiter endMarker =
      delimited firstDelimiter endMarker
      .>>. opt (many (delimited secondDelimiter endMarker
                      >>. delimited thirdDelimiter endMarker))

  let isBoundary ((n:string),_) = n.ToLower() = "boundary"

  let pHeader =
      let includesBoundary (h:Header) = match h.addl with
                                        | Some xs -> xs |> List.exists isBoundary
                                        | None    -> false
      let setBoundary b = { Boundary=b }
       in delimited3 ":" ";" "=" blankField
          |>> makeHeader
          >>= fun header stream -> if includesBoundary header
                                     stream.UserState <- setBoundary (header.addl.Value
                                                                      |> List.find isBoundary
                                                                      |> snd)
                                     Reply ()
                                   else Reply ()

  let pHeaders = manyTill pHeader $ attempt (preturn () .>> blankField)

  let rec pContent (stream:CharStream<UserState>) =
      match stream.UserState.Boundary with
      | "" -> // Content is text.
              let nl = System.Environment.NewLine
              let unlines (ss:string list) = System.String.Join (nl,ss)
              let line = restOfLine false
              let lines = manyTill line $ attempt (preturn () .>> blankField)
               in pipe2 pHeaders lines
                        $ fun h c -> { headers=h
                                     ; content=Content $ unlines c }
      | _  -> // Content contains boundaries.
              let b = "--" + stream.UserState.Boundary
              // VS complains about pContent in the following line: 
              // Type mismatch. Expecting a
              //    Parser<'a,UserState>
              // but given a
              //    CharStream<UserState> -> Parser<Post,UserState>
              // The type 'Reply<'a>' does not match the type 'Parser<Post,UserState>'
              let p = pipe2 pHeaders pContent $ fun h c -> { headers=h; content=c }
               in skipString b
                  >>. manyTill p (attempt (preturn () .>> blankField))
                  // VS complains about Content.Post in the following line: 
                  // Type mismatch. Expecting a
                  //     Post list -> Post
                  // but given a
                  //     Post list -> Content
                  // The type 'Post' does not match the type 'Content'
                  |>> Content.Post

  // VS complains about pContent in the following line: 
  // Type mismatch. Expecting a
  //    Parser<'a,UserState>    
  // but given a
  //    CharStream<UserState> -> Parser<Post,UserState>
  // The type 'Reply<'a>' does not match the type 'Parser<Post,UserState>'
  let pStream = runP (pipe2 pHeaders pContent $ fun h c -> { headers=h; content=c })

type MParser (s:Stream) =
  let r = P.pStream s

  let findHeader name =
    match r.headers |> List.tryFind (fun h -> h.name.ToLower() = name) with
    | Some h -> h.value
    | None   -> ""

  member p.Boundary =
    let header = r.headers
                 |> List.tryFind (fun h -> match h.addl with
                                           | Some xs -> xs |> List.exists P.isBoundary
                                           | None    -> false)
     in match header with
        | Some h -> h.addl.Value |> List.find P.isBoundary |> snd
        | None   -> ""
  member p.ContentID = findHeader "content-id"
  member p.ContentLocation = findHeader "content-location"
  member p.ContentSubtype = findHeader "type"
  member p.ContentTransferEncoding = findHeader "content-transfer-encoding"
  member p.ContentType = findHeader "content-type"
  member p.Content = r.content
  member p.Headers = r.headers
  member p.MessageID = findHeader "message-id"
  member p.MimeVersion = findHeader "mime-version"



In response to the feedback I received (thanks!), I made the following adjustments with annotated errors:

let rec pContent (stream:CharStream<UserState>) =
    match stream.UserState.Boundary with
    | "" -> // Content is text.
            let nl = System.Environment.NewLine
            let unlines (ss:string list) = System.String.Join (nl,ss)
            let line = restOfLine false
            let lines = manyTill line $ attempt (preturn () .>> blankField)
             in pipe2 pHeaders lines
                      $ fun h c -> { headers=h
                                   ; content=Content $ unlines c }
    | _  -> // Content contains boundaries.
            let b = "--" + stream.UserState.Boundary
            // The following complaint is about `pContent stream`:
            // This expression was expected to have type
            //     Reply<'a>    
            // but here has type
            //     Parser<Post,UserState>
            let p = pipe2 pHeaders (fun stream -> pContent stream) $ fun h c -> { headers=h; content=c }
             in skipString b
                >>. manyTill p (attempt (preturn () .>> blankField))
                // VS complains about the line above:
                // Type mismatch. Expecting a
                //     Parser<Post,UserState>    
                // but given a
                //     Parser<'a list,UserState>    
                // The type 'Post' does not match the type ''a list'

// See above complaint about `pContent stream`. Same complaint here.
let pStream = runP (pipe2 pHeaders (fun stream -> pContent stream) $ fun h c -> { headers=h; content=c })


I tried to cast in Reply ()

s, but they just returned the parsers and the value c

became higher Parser<...>

, not Content

. It seemed to be a step backward, or at least in the wrong direction. However, I admit my ignorance and welcome the correction!


source to share

2 answers

I can help with one of the errors.

F # usually concatenates arguments from left to right, so you need to use parentheses around recursive calls pContent

or the feedback statement <|

to indicate that you want to evaluate the recursive call and concatenate the return value.

It's also worth noting that it <|

matches your carrier $



is not a constructor for the Post object. You need a function to receive a list of messages and return a message. (Does something from the List module do what you want?)



My first answer was completely wrong, but I thought I would leave it.

The types Post

and are Content

defined as:

type Content =
    | Content of string
    | Post of Post list
and Post =
    { headers : Header list
    ; content : Content }



is a record, and Content

is a discriminatory union.

F # treats Discriminatory Unions as a separate namespace from types. So Content

different from Content.Content

, but Post

different from Content.Post

. Because they are different, having the same ID is confusing.

Return expected pContent

? If it is to return Discriminatory Union Content

then you need to wrap the entry Post

you return in the first case in the Content.Post

ie case

$ fun h c -> Post [ { headers=h
                    ; content=Content $ unlines c } ]


(F # may infer that "Post" refers to the case Content.Post

, not the post type Post




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