What does "add-resource" do in android xml file?

I found that the package / apps / UnifiedEmail has the following statement in the Android source code:

<add-resource name="RecipientEditTextViewStyle" type="style" />


What does this "add-resource" element mean? Many thanks!

Source code: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_UnifiedEmail/blob/cm-11.0/res/values/attrs.xml


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1 answer

    <string name="app1_name">MyAppName</string>


is the same as

    <add-resource type="string" name="app1_name">MyAppName</add-resource>



<add-resource name="RecipientEditTextViewStyle" type="style" />


is the same as

<style name = "RecipientEditTextViewStyle"/>




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