Remove item from Firebase

I am trying to figure out how to remove an item from my Firebase. I've created a function ( createProvider

) to create an item, but can't figure out how to go about deleting an item.


<form role="form" name="createProviderForm">
    <input type="text" ng-model="title">
    <button type="submit" ng-click="createProvider()">Submit</button>

<div ng-repeat="provider in providers">
    <h3>{{ provider.title }}</h3>
    <button type="button" ng-click="removeProvider()">Remove</button>



var rootRef = new Firebase(FBURL);
var providersRef = rootRef.child('providers');

$scope.newProvider = {};
$scope.providers = [];

providersRef.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
  $timeout(function() {
    var snapshotVal = snapshot.val();
      title: snapshotVal.title

$scope.createProvider = function() {
  var newProvider = {
    title: $scope.title

$scope.removeProvider = function() {



I got to creating a function called removeProvider

, but I can't figure out what to add to it. I understand that I need to target a specific element somehow and then remove it from the list. I just don't know how to do it.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

To remove an item from Firebase you need to know it name()

, which is automatically generated for you when you call push()

to add a new item to Firebase.

So, you need to associate a name with a scope:

  title: snapshotVal.title


Then you pass this name to your call removeProvider

from your HTML:

<div ng-repeat="provider in providers">
    <h3>{{ provider.title }}</h3>
    <button type="button" ng-click="removeProvider(">Remove</button>


And use it to call remove

in Firebase:

$scope.removeProvider = function(name) {


As @SharpieOne already commented, this and many other things are automatically handled for you if you use the AngularFire library (and in this case specifically its method $asArray()




By setting the object to null, ypu can remove it. Test the below code

$scope.removeProvider = function() {
      var newProvider = {
        title: null





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