JPA or Hibernate or Spring for specifying a query for a relationship?

Is it possible to explicitly specify a query to run to collect related entities using JPA or Hibernate annotations?

Specifically, I have the following objects: Tutor, Student, and an explicit OneToOne relationship between Tutor and Student, Tutorial:

public class Student {
  @OneToMany Collection<Tutorial> tutorials;

public class Tutor {
  @OneToMany Collection<Tutorial> tutorials;

public class Tutorial {
  @OneToOne Tutor tutor;
  @OneToOne Student student;
  // other data


A student can be assigned as a Homework Teacher in the Study Guide (but not a mentor who has not been assigned a student), so:

public class Homework { 
   @ManyToOne Tutorial tutorial;
   // other data


Now I want to get all the students homework:

public class Student {
  @OneToMany Collection<Tutorial> tutorials;

  @OneToMany Collection<Homework> homework;


But there is no Student in Homework; he has a tutorial. It's easy to express in SQL:

select a.* 
from Homework a 
join Tutorial b on (a.tutorial_id =
where b.student_id = ?


Can I express this using JPA or Hibernate or Spring annotations directly in the student class so that it is used when I call Student.getHomework ()?

In other words, I want:

public class Student {
  @OneToMany Collection<Tutorial> tutorials;

  @ExplicitQuery("select Homework where Homework.student = this or something")
  @OneToMany Collection<Homework> homework;



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1 answer

You should be able to do this in Hibernate using a custom loader

@NamedNativeQuery(name="customHomeworkLoader", query="select a.* from Homework a join Tutorial b on (a.tutorial_id = where b.student_id = ?", resultClass = Homework.class)
public class Student {
  @OneToMany Collection<Tutorial> tutorials;

  @Loader(namedQuery = "customHomeworkLoader")
  @OneToMany Collection<Homework> homework;


The positional parameter ( ?

) in a named query should be automatically replaced with the primary key at runtime. I have not tried this code, so I cannot guarantee that it will work, but hopefully it will give you a hint on how to proceed.



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