Dynamic casting when using a hinge

I am using EAV template to store arbitrary data in one table ( Entries

). Data

is saved as nvarchar

, and through the PropertyID

target data type is bound. Now, I would like to create a view to restructure data using pivot, but I am having problems dynamically converting Data

to its intended data type. By doing the request below I am getting the error #8114 error converting data type nvarchar to float


This is essentially my database structure:

EntryID | PropertyID | Data (nvarchar)
1       | 1          | 1
2       | 2          | abc
3       | 3          | 2.0

PropertyID | PropertyName | TypeID
1          | intProp      | 1
2          | strProp      | 2
3          | fltProp      | 3

TypeID | TypeName
1      | int
2      | string
3      | float
4      | bool
5      | datetime


and this is the request:

SELECT [intProp], [strProp], [fltProp]
    SELECT e.EntryID, p.PropertyName, 

            WHEN t.TypeName = 'int' THEN
                CAST(e.data as int)
            WHEN t.TypeName = 'float' THEN
                CAST(e.data as float)
            WHEN t.TypeName = 'string' THEN

        END as converted

        Entries e 
        INNER JOIN Properties p ON e.PropertyID = p.PropertyID
        INNER JOIN Types t ON p.TypeID = t.TypeID           
) as t1
    FOR PropertyName IN ( [intProp], [strProp], [fltProp])
) as piv


It looks like the problem with CASE

is the problem, but how can I convert the query for dynamic translation to the correct data type?


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1 answer

Based on my previous comment, I tried to create a SQL Script that might help you:

    DECLARE @colsConversion as NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)
    SELECT @colsConversion = STUFF((SELECT ',CAST('+QuoteName(p.PropertyName)+' as '+t.TypeName+') as '+QuoteName(p.PropertyName)
    FROM  Properties  p 
    INNER JOIN Types t ON p.TypeID = t.TypeID
    GROUP BY p.PropertyName, t.TypeName
    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

SET @query = 'SELECT ' + @colsConversion +'
    SELECT e.EntryID,p.PropertyName,t.TypeName
    FROM Entries e
    INNER JOIN Properties p ON e.PropertyID = p.PropertyID
    INNER JOIN Types t ON p.TypeID = t.TypeID
)AS T1
    FOR PropertyName in ([intProp],[strProp],[fltProp])
)as piv'

exec sp_executesql @query




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