Multiply digits of a number using recursion

I am doing the following exercise:

For a four-digit number such as 3183

, compare each digit with the last, and if greater or equal, multiply by the following

Example: for a number 3183

it will be n = 3*8*3 = 72


My code:

#include <stdio.h>

int f ( int n )
    if ( n < 10 ) 
      return n ;
    return (((n/10) % 10) >= (n%10) ? ((n/10)10) : 1) * f((n/100 )* 10 + n % 10 ) ;

int main() 
    printf( "%d", f( 3183 );



Is there a way to shorten or improve it?


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4 answers

EDIT I read this yesterday. It doesn't make sense to effectively recreate @ Red Alert's answer, but I can't seem to delete it since it's accepted the way it does.

My guess is that we can create our own "internal" function to maintain state. I also assume the numbers should be handled from the right, the original example is not clear.

static int g(int n, int ack, int last)
  const int here = n % 10;
  const bool mult = here >= last;

  if(n < 10)
    return mult ? here * ack : here;
  return g(n / 10, mult ? here * ack : ack, here);

int f(int n)
  return g(n, 1, 0);




Leave the other approach more compact than the original:

#include <stdio.h>

int f (int n, int u)
    if (u > n) return(1);
    return (n % 10 >= u ? n % 10 : 1) * f(n/10, u);

int main (void)
    int n = 3284;
    printf ("%d", f (n , n%10));





After accepting the answer

OP's code not compiled, missing %

//     (((n/10) % 10) >= (n%10) ? ((n/10) 10) : 1) * f((n/100 )* 10 + n % 10 ) ;
return (((n/10) % 10) >= (n%10) ? ((n/10)%10) : 1) * f((n/100 )* 10 + n % 10 ) ;


As @interjay recommends, keep the results, not recalculate.

#include <stdio.h>

int f(int n) {
  if (n < 10)
    return n;
  int lastdigit = n % 10;
  int nextlastdigit = (n / 10) % 10;
  return (nextlastdigit >= lastdigit ? nextlastdigit : 1)
      * f((n / 100) * 10 + lastdigit);

int main(void)   {
    printf( "%u", f(2183); // --> 24


To do better, I would decrease division and multiplication by 1. But better subjectively for now.

unsigned cheroky(unsigned x) {
  if (x < 10)
    return x;
  unsigned lastdigit = x % 10;
  unsigned firstdigits = x / 10;
  unsigned lastfirstdigit = firstdigits % 10;
  unsigned nextx = firstdigits - lastfirstdigit + lastdigit;
  unsigned product = cheroky(nextx);
  if (lastfirstdigit >= lastdigit)
    product *= lastfirstdigit;
  return product;


To really improve, a non-recursive loop will be used.

unsigned cheroky2(unsigned x) {
  unsigned lastdigit = x % 10;
  unsigned product = lastdigit;
  while (x >= 10) {
    x /= 10;
    unsigned nextdigit = x % 10;
    if (nextdigit >= lastdigit)
      product *= nextdigit;
  return product;




Is it possible to use an intermediate recursive function? This removes the extra math you do to maintain the state of the last digit:

int f2 ( int n, int lastDigit )
    int currentDigit = n%10;
    int returnDigit = currentDigit;
    if(currentDigit < lastDigit)
        returnDigit = 1;
    if(n < 10)
        return returnDigit;

    return returnDigit * f2(n/10, lastDigit );

int f ( int n )
    if ( n < 10 ) 
      return n ;
    return n%10* f2(n/10, n%10);




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