ImportError: No module named traits.api

I installed mayavi for spyder on Windows 7 and when I try to import mlab I get a strange warning:

ImportError: No module named traits.api


Has anyone faced the same problem? Any suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance.


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2 answers

Ok, I found a very helpful post that solved the problem. The problem was that I set the PATH variable to search for basetsd.h instead of INCLUDE (C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v7.0 \ Include). Moreover, I have installed the LIB for C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDK \ Windows \ v7.0 \ Lib.

Now I can successfully run Mayavi on Windows 7 and Spyder. However, I cannot run it from IPython :(



You need to install dependencies mayavi VTK, appinst, apptools, envisage, traitsui, traits, pyface, configobj



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