Find a restricted bin from the Geopoints Mapbox

I'm trying to find a bounding box from the GeoPoints collection, but it doesn't scale properly. I am pasting the function I used to find the bounding box below

private BoundingBox createBoundingBox(final ArrayList<LatLng> list){
        double minLatitude = 90, minLongitiude = 180, maxLatitude = -90, maxLongitude = -180;
        double currentLat, currentLng;
        for(LatLng location : list){
            currentLat    = location.getLatitude();
            currentLng    = location.getLongitude();
            minLatitude   = Math.max(minLatitude, currentLat);
            minLongitiude = Math.max(minLongitiude, currentLng);
            maxLatitude   = Math.min(maxLatitude, currentLat);
            maxLongitude  = Math.min(maxLongitude, currentLng);
       return new BoundingBox(minLatitude, minLongitiude, maxLatitude - minLatitude,
               maxLongitude - minLongitiude);


Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here. The map zoom level is still 0.


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2 answers

It looks like you are on the right track, but your default minimum and maximum values ​​are causing certain problems. Try the following:

public BoundingBox findBoundingBoxForGivenLocations(ArrayList<LatLng> coordinates)
    double west = 0.0;
    double east = 0.0;
    double north = 0.0;
    double south = 0.0;

    for (int lc = 0; lc < coordinates.size(); lc++)
        LatLng loc = coordinates.get(lc);
        if (lc == 0)
            north = loc.getLatitude();
            south = loc.getLatitude();
            west = loc.getLongitude();
            east = loc.getLongitude();
            if (loc.getLatitude() > north)
                north = loc.getLatitude();
            else if (loc.getLatitude() < south)
                south = loc.getLatitude();
            if (loc.getLongitude() < west)
                west = loc.getLongitude();
            else if (loc.getLongitude() > east)
                east = loc.getLongitude();

    // OPTIONAL - Add some extra "padding" for better map display
    double padding = 0.01;
    north = north + padding;
    south = south - padding;
    west = west - padding;
    east = east + padding;

    return new BoundingBox(north, east, south, west);




Here is @ Brad Leege 's answer for ported to Kotlin with minor improvements:

fun findEnclosingBoundingBox(coordinates: ArrayList<LatLng>): BoundingBox {
    var west = GeometryConstants.MAX_LONGITUDE
    var east = GeometryConstants.MIN_LONGITUDE
    var north = GeometryConstants.MIN_LATITUDE
    var south = GeometryConstants.MAX_LATITUDE

    coordinates.forEach { loc ->
        north = Math.max(loc.latitude, north)
        south = Math.min(loc.latitude, south)
        west = Math.min(loc.longitude, west)
        east = Math.min(loc.longitude, east)

    // Add some extra "padding"
    val padding = 0.01
    north += padding
    south -= padding
    west -= padding
    east += padding

    return BoundingBox.fromLngLats(west, south, east, north)




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