What does Perl return when a numeric comparison is false?

I am trying to execute this code. What puzzles me is why this comparison does not return any value when false. Is this the default behavior of these comparison operators?

my $output = (2 <= 1); 
print "value=$output";


Will the comparison operator return undef

if its logical check fails?


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4 answers


return 1 for true and a special version of the specified empty string, ", which is considered null, but is exempt from warnings about incorrect numeric conversions, just like" 0 but true ".

The value you are returning is actually double. It has separate numeric and string values ​​(it is not actually a special version of the empty string). The numeric value is 0 and the string value is an empty string. You used a string that is empty but 0 still exists. You can view the variable entries using Devel :: Peek :

use Devel::Peek;
my $result = ( 1 == 2 );
Dump( $result );


In the SV (scalar value) value behind the scenes, you see the string value in PV and the numeric value in IV and NV (integer and numeric values):

SV = PVNV(0x7fe602802750) at 0x7fe603002e70
  REFCNT = 1
  IV = 0
  NV = 0
  PV = 0x7fe6026016b0 ""\0
  CUR = 0
  LEN = 16


There are other types of double cards. For example, an error variable has an error $!

number and an error text (and I talk about this in Mastering Perl ). This is not something you usually have to worry about, because Perl does the right thing for context.

If you always want a numeric value, use it in a numeric context:

my $numeric = 0 + $result;   # 0


You can create your own double disks with Scalar :: Util dualvar

and you can check if the scalar is double with isdual


use Scalar::Util qw(isdual);
my $result = ( 1 == 2 );
print isdual($result) ? "dualvar" : "Not dualvar";


If you want to check that the value you got was defined (you said it wasn't), you can check with defined . Although the empty string is defined. If you want to check that it is not an empty string, you can use length . They help when the value you have cannot be printed.



Boolean operators return 1 to true and '' to false. You are trying to print a blank line.

Try this for a test

use strict;
use warnings;
my $output = (2 <= 1); 
print $output ? "value=|$output|" : "value=<$output>";




Comparisons can return a special false value, which is an empty string or 0, depending on the context in which it was evaluated. If you're looking for specific values ​​for true and false, it's much safer to use an operator like this:

my $output = ( 2 <= 1 ) ? 1 : 0;


The following code illustrates the behavior of a special false value.

use 5.014; 
say ( 2 <= 1); # prints nothing
my $output = ( 2 <= 1 ) ? 1 : 0; 
say $output; # prints 0
$output = ( 2 > 1 ) ? 1 : 0 ; 
say int $output; # prints 1
say $output; # prints 1
$output = ( 2 <= 1 ) ; 
say int $output ; # prints 0


If you are not familiar with ?: build see: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Conditional-Operator



This expression returns an empty string ( ""

), which Perl considers false when evaluating sentences like if

or unless


In Perl, 0

, "0"

and an empty string ( ""

) is false. undef

is also incorrect, but you might get a warning. Everything else is correct.



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