Access Violation Calling non-exported DLL C ++ function

I am trying to access a non-exported function in a DLL for experimental purposes. Without discussing the obvious reasons why this is a bad idea ...

I believe that I have developed the correct prototype for the function and I can confirm that the code is jumping off the offset in the module I want.

C ++ code

typedef int (__stdcall *FN)(int,wchar_t *);

const DWORD_PTR funcOffset = 0x6F5B9;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    FN myFunction;
    DWORD dwResult;
    HMODULE hModule=LoadLibrary(L"undocumented.dll");

if (hModule != NULL)
    DWORD_PTR funcAddress = (DWORD_PTR)GetProcAddress(hModule, "DllRegisterServer") + funcOffset;
    myFunction = (FN)funcAddress;
    wchar_t input[] = L"someinputdata";
    int result = myFunction(0,input);
    std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;
    dwResult = GetLastError();
    std::cerr << "Failed: " << dwResult << std::endl;
return 0;



The function goes to offset, but I get an access violation in mov [esi + 8], eax. What can I do to prevent this

mov     edi, edi
push    ebp
mov     ebp, esp
sub     esp, 0Ch
cmp     [ebp+<wchar_t *>], 0
push    esi
mov     esi, ecx
jz      short <some location> ; doesn't jump
push    [ebp+<wchar_t *>]     
call    ds:_wcsdup
mov     [esi+8], eax <- access violation


Ecx is set in the ds: _wcsup call:

75DBEFA3  mov         edi,edi  
75DBEFA5  push        ebp  
75DBEFA6  mov         ebp,esp  
75DBEFA8  cmp         dword ptr [ebp+8],0  
75DBEFAC  je          __wcsdup+2161Ah (75DE05BDh)  
75DBEFB2  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]  
75DBEFB5  push        edi  
75DBEFB6  xor         edi,edi  
75DBEFB8  lea         edx,[ecx+2]  
75DBEFBB  mov         ax,word ptr [ecx]  
75DBEFBE  add         ecx,2  
75DBEFC1  cmp         ax,di  
75DBEFC4  jne         __wcsdup+18h (75DBEFBBh)  
75DBEFC6  sub         ecx,edx  
75DBEFC8  sar         ecx,1  
75DBEFCA  push        ebx  
75DBEFCB  push        2  
75DBEFCD  lea         ebx,[ecx+1]  
75DBEFD0  push        ebx  
75DBEFD1  call        _calloc (75DBBE55h)  
75DBEFD6  mov         edi,eax  
75DBEFD8  pop         ecx  
75DBEFD9  pop         ecx  
75DBEFDA  test        edi,edi  
75DBEFDC  je          __wcsdup+2161Eh (75DE05C1h)  
75DBEFE2  push        dword ptr [ebp+8]  
75DBEFE5  push        ebx  
75DBEFE6  push        edi  
75DBEFE7  call        _wcscpy_s (75DBBB70h)  
75DBEFEC  add         esp,0Ch  
75DBEFEF  test        eax,eax  
75DBEFF1  jne         __wcsdup+5626Fh (75E15212h)  
75DBEFF7  mov         eax,edi  
75DBEFF9  pop         ebx  
75DBEFFA  pop         edi  
75DBEFFB  pop         ebp  
75DBEFFC  ret  



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1 answer

You can see from the assembly that this code expects a meaningful value in ECX


mov     edi, edi
push    ebp
mov     ebp, esp
sub     esp, 0Ch
cmp     [ebp+<wchar_t *>], 0
push    esi
mov     esi, ecx  !! ecx has not been written to before here, now it is read


You think the function stdcall

. And for the function, the stdcall

value ECX

is undefined at the input. So I would say it's pretty clear that the function is not stdcall

. The only obvious indication that an input argument is being used is its use ECX

. So I would say it is a member function thiscall

that passes a pointer this

to ECX


Please note that I could not be 100% sure about all of the above. Reverse engineering is tricky at the best of times and remember that we only work with the information you provide.



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