Firefox Selenium webdriver for gaming platform: how to update?

I get the error: Firefox Webdriver 2.32.0 is incompatible with Firefox 30.0 How can I update firefox webdriver? Selenium firefox is not using my profile, it is using a different profile.

Here's what I've tried: search for webdriver banners in the play framework software package, unzip them and look for .xpi (Firefox add-on file extension) but no luck there.


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1 answer

Add this libraryDependencies

in within build.sbt

or Build.scala


 "org.seleniumhq.selenium" % "selenium-java" % "2.44.0" % "test"


If you are not using this in scope test

(i.e. for testing the browser in Play), remove % "test"


2.44.0 appears to be the latest version for Selenium drivers, but you might have to play around with the version to find one that is compatible with your Firefox version.



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