Haskell interacts () truncates my output?

I am working on a basic Haskell program that contains this line of code:

interact (unwords . (map pigLatin . words) )


However, after passing an array of strings to my pigLatin function, then wrapping back into a string, it always truncates the last word I typed. For example:

*HaskellPractice> getUserInput
this is broken
histay isway 


For some reason, this doesn't print. I am on a Mac, so I have to specify the following parameters declared in getUserInput before calling for interaction:

hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering


I guess this is a small detail that I haven't figured out yet. Thanks for any input / help! OSFTW EDIT: Here's the whole program.

    import System.IO

pigLatin :: String -> String
pigLatin word = if ( (head word) `elem`['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] )
    then (word ++ "way")
        else  (tail word) ++ [(head word)] ++ "ay"

getUserInput = do
    hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering

    interact (unwords . (map pigLatin . words) )



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1 answer

Here is the program I tested:

import System.IO

pigLatin xs = "[" ++ xs ++ "]"

main = do
  hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
  hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
  interact (unwords . (map pigLatin . words) )


And this is what the session looks like ghci


*Main> :main
this is line1
[this] [is] this is line2
[line1] [this] [is] [line2]<stdin>: hGetBuffering: illegal operation (handle is closed)


I typed:

this is line1
this is line2


This way it doesn't truncate the input - it just doesn't emit the last word in the line until the next line is read (or EOF is encountered.)

If you run it from a shell, you get what you expect:

shell$ (echo this is line1; echo this is line2) | runhaskell  ./platin.hs

[this] [is] [line1] [this] [is] [line2]




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