Retrofit library with disk cache support

I am using Retrofit library from netcalls. Pretty cool. But I am missing caching support. I cannot use the cache at the HTTP level (via the Cache headers). I am currently implementing custom caching with ObjectCache , but it is so difficult. It just must be awesome to extend the current retrofit with an announcement @Cache(Expire.ONE_DAY)


My current code is like:

public static void getRestaurant(int restaurantId, String token, boolean forceNetwork, final Callback<Restaurant> listener) {
    final String key = "getRestaurant-" + restaurantId + "-" + token;
    Restaurant restaurant = (Restaurant) getCacheManager().get(key, Restaurant.class, new TypeToken<Restaurant>() {}.getType());
    if (restaurant != null && !forceNetwork) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Cache hit: " + key);
        // Cache
    } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Network: " + key);
        // Retrofit
        getNetwork().getRestaurant(restaurantId, token, new retrofit.Callback<Response>() {
            public void success(Response response, retrofit.client.Response response2) {
                getCacheManager().put(key,, CacheManager.ExpiryTimes.ONE_HOUR.asSeconds(), true);

            public void failure(RetrofitError error) {


Now there is just template code for each method.

Or do you know any library like Retrofit with caching support?



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1 answer

You can wrap a base one Client

and use the request url as the cache key.

public class CachingClient implements Client {
  private final Client delegate;

  @Override public Response execute(Request request) {
    if (!"GET".equals(request.method())) {
      return delegate.execute(request);
    String url = request.url();

    // TODO look up 'url' in your cache.
    if (cacheHit) {
      return createResponse(cacheResult);

    // Cache miss! Execute with the real HTTP client.
    Response response = delegate.execute(request);

    // TODO cache 'response' in your cache with the 'url' key.

    return response;


With Retrofit v2, we hope to include this kind of functionality with interceptors, which will not only give you a hook in the request and response chain, but also allow you to search for custom annotation, for example @Cache




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