Parameter - Setting device icon
I am trying to set a device token in parsing. The official documentation gives the following code for this
Official Documentation (Objective C)
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
// Store the deviceToken in the current installation and save it to Parse.
PFInstallation *currentInstallation = [PFInstallation currentInstallation];
[currentInstallation setDeviceTokenFromData:deviceToken];
currentInstallation.channels = @[ @"global" ];
[currentInstallation saveInBackground];
I converted the code as shown below, but I get an error.
My code (Swift)
func application( applcation: UIApplication!, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData! ) {
let currentInstallation = PFInstallation.currentInstallation()
currentInstallation .setDeviceTokenFromData(deviceToken)
currentInstallation .setObject(PFUser.currentUser(), forKey: "owner")
currentInstallation .addUniqueObject("Test", forKey: "channels")
currentInstallation .save()
The following error appears when running my code:
Break on warnBlockingOperationOnMainThread() to debug.
2014-11-13 03:44:01.306 Meetr[8855:2084537] Error: invalid type for key deviceToken, expected array, but got string (Code: 111, Version: 1.4.2)
Can someone help me why this is so? I am very confused because I just converted the original C object code to swift.
Thanks in advance.
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4 answers
I just set my Parse notifications without any problem. The line where you have the error is exactly the same as mine, so I don't think that's the problem. Here's everything I have in App Delegate:
func application(application: UIApplication!, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: NSDictionary!) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
let userNotificationTypes = (UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Badge | UIUserNotificationType.Sound)
let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: userNotificationTypes, categories: nil)
return true
func application(application: UIApplication!, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData!) {
//Store the deviceToken in the current installation and save it to Parse.
let currentInstallation: PFInstallation = PFInstallation.currentInstallation()
func application(application: UIApplication!, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: NSDictionary!) {
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