Generate dynamic sitemaps in laravel project without using composer

I want to build a Dynamic sitemap

laravel for my project. I've searched so many sites for an answer already. some of them describe it with the help of a composer. I didn't figure out how to do this. and in some other sites they wrote codes to get urls from db in loops. In my db project, I haven't saved any urls. my project is a site for doctors and patients. so does anyone know how to write php / laravel codes for dynamic sitemap generation



I'm new to laravel, so I'm just not familiar with this composer. can someone tell me if i download from github where can i extract it and save it in my project directory? it will be very helpful if anyone answers this.


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3 answers

Add this line to your route.php

Route::get('/sitemap', function()
   return Response::view('sitemap')->header('Content-Type', 'application/xml');


Create new file app \ Http \ Middleware \ sitemap.php

<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;

class sitemap {

     * The Guard implementation.
     * @var Guard
    protected $auth;

    public function __construct(Guard $auth)
        $this->auth = $auth;

     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
     * @param  \Closure                 $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        if ( !$request->is("sitemap") && $request->fullUrl() != '' && $this->auth->guest() )
            $aSiteMap = \Cache::get('sitemap', []);
            $changefreq = 'always';
            if ( !empty( $aSiteMap[$request->fullUrl()]['added'] ) ) {
                $aDateDiff = Carbon::createFromTimestamp( $aSiteMap[$request->fullUrl()]['added'] )->diff( Carbon::now() );
                if ( $aDateDiff->y > 0 ) {
                    $changefreq = 'yearly';
                } else if ( $aDateDiff->m > 0) {
                    $changefreq = 'monthly';
                } else if ( $aDateDiff->d > 6 ) {
                    $changefreq = 'weekly';
                } else if ( $aDateDiff->d > 0 && $aDateDiff->d < 7 ) {
                    $changefreq = 'daily';
                } else if ( $aDateDiff->h > 0 ) {
                    $changefreq = 'hourly';
                } else {
                    $changefreq = 'always';
            $aSiteMap[$request->fullUrl()] = [
                'added' => time(),
                'lastmod' => Carbon::now()->toIso8601String(),
                'priority' => 1 - substr_count($request->getPathInfo(), '/') / 10,
                'changefreq' => $changefreq
            \Cache::put('sitemap', $aSiteMap, 2880);
        return $next($request);


And create a new file like resources \ views \ sitemap.blade.php

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns=""
    @foreach( Cache::get('sitemap') as $url => $params )


Add entry to secure $ middleware array in app \ Http \ Kernel.php file

'sitemap' => 'App\Http\Middleware\sitemap'




Suppose you want your website to sitemap.xml

include links to all the doctors and patients you have in your database, you can do it like this:

in your routes.php ..

Route::get("sitemap.xml", array(
    "as"   => "sitemap",
    "uses" => "HomeController@sitemap", // or any other controller you want to use


in your HomeController.php file (if you choose to use HomeController).

public function sitemap()
    $doctors = Doctor::remember(59) // chach this query for 59 minutes
        ->select(["id", "updated_at"]) 
        // you may want to add where clauses here according to your needs
        ->orderBy("id", "desc")
        ->take(50000) // each Sitemap file must have no more than 50,000 URLs and must be no larger than 10MB

    $patients = Patient::remember(59) // chach this query for 59 minutes
        ->select(["id", "updated_at"]) 
        // you may want to add where clauses here according to your needs
        ->orderBy("id", "desc")
        ->take(50000) // each Sitemap file must have no more than 50,000 URLs and must be no larger than 10MB

    $content = View::make('sitemap', ['doctors' => $doctors, 'patients' => $patients]);
    return Response::make($content)->header('Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=utf-8');


in the files views / sitemap.blade.php ..

<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ?>

<urlset xmlns="">
@foreach($doctors as $doctor)
        <loc>{{ URL::route("", [$doctor->id]) }}</loc>
        <lastmod>{{ gmdate(DateTime::W3C, strtotime($doctor->updated_at)) }}</lastmod>

@foreach($patients as $patient)
        <loc>{{ URL::route("", [$patient->id]) }}</loc>
        <lastmod>{{ gmdate(DateTime::W3C, strtotime($patient->updated_at)) }}</lastmod>




check out

A simple sitemap generator for Laravel 4.

Route::get('sitemap', function(){

    // create new sitemap object
    $sitemap = App::make("sitemap");

    // set cache (key (string), duration in minutes (Carbon|Datetime|int), turn on/off (boolean))
    // by default cache is disabled
    $sitemap->setCache('laravel.sitemap', 3600);

    // check if there is cached sitemap and build new only if is not
    if (!$sitemap->isCached())
         // add item to the sitemap (url, date, priority, freq)
         $sitemap->add(URL::to('/'), '2012-08-25T20:10:00+02:00', '1.0', 'daily');
         $sitemap->add(URL::to('page'), '2012-08-26T12:30:00+02:00', '0.9', 'monthly');

         // get all posts from db
         $posts = DB::table('posts')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();

         // add every post to the sitemap
         foreach ($posts as $post)
            $sitemap->add($post->slug, $post->modified, $post->priority, $post->freq);

    // show your sitemap (options: 'xml' (default), 'html', 'txt', 'ror-rss', 'ror-rdf')
    return $sitemap->render('xml');



I have used it. works great!

update # 1

to clear up the confusion, let's take an example.

let's say I have a table with a blog id

, title


I have a route like Route::get('blog/{blog}',['as' => '', 'uses' => 'Blog@show'];

I will pick up the contents first, $blogs = DB::table('blog')->get();


will contain the results.

i will be just a loop,

foreach($blogs as $i)
     $sitemap->add(route('',[$i->title]), '2014-11-11', '1.0','daily');


all my blogs are added to the sitemap.



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