How to create an independent thread using spring @Async

I am using spring @Async with weblogic workmanager, Spring version 3.2.2










Spring Config xml:

 <bean id="reportWorkManagerTaskExecutor"
    <property name="workManagerName" value="java:comp/env/ReportWorkmanager" />



@RequestMapping(value = "/publish", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public MarketingScenario publishReport(@RequestBody final PublishReportDTO reportDTO, final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {

    MarketingScenario scenario =  scenarioService.findMarketingScenarioById(reportDTO.getScenarioId());
    _LOGGER.debug("Job submitted , successfully came out for scenario id {}", reportDTO.getScenarioId());
    return scenario;



@Async(value = "reportWorkManagerTaskExecutor")
public void publishReport(final PublishReportDTO reportDTO) {

    //Some long run job


Whenever a request comes in from the end of the fornt, the controller must inject the job by calling the service method, and it must return a response without waiting for the service job.

When @Async is not applied everything goes fine, but when I apply the service thread gets killed due to my request thread.

Please let me know, using @Async, how to create a flow independent of the request flow.

The independent stream can run for 2 minutes or 20 minutes, depending on the input.


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1 answer

First, the Spring docs state that @Async

with a different than the default executor, it should be annotated with @Async("otherExecutor")

, not @Async(value="otherExecutor")


Also, I don't think I fully understand what you mean by this:

When @Async is not applied everything goes fine, but when I apply the service thread gets killed due to my request thread.

I want you to mean that it works fine, but in the same thread. It makes sense in this case, since you are using this method synchronously.



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