Error "This item has no source attached and the Javadoc cannot be found in the attached Javadoc."

In developing an Eclipse plugin, I import packages via a file MANIFEST.MF

. This way I have no lib folder and no unrelated libraries. I don't see javadoc comments for even the most basic methods, such as the String.format()

Warning I get:
"This item has no origin attached and the Javadoc cannot be found in the attached Javadoc."

Also when I click "Open Attached Javadoc in Browser" I get a security warning that asks me if I really want to visit the web page. If I confirm, I can see the javadoc in the browser.


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2 answers

You have chosen Java Runtime which contains no sources. Check your Installed JRE settings and make sure they include sources.



You can add source code for referenced libraries. Go to the plugin dependencies, select the desired jar and press Ctrl + Enter (Properties) and add the path. For most libraries, you can download the jar containing the source. enter image description here



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