Use "()" in Fuelphp Query Builder

I would like to use "()" in a sql type sql file like this.

select * from shop where (item1=$item1 or item2=$item1) and flag=on;


I tried to express it like this:

$shop_query = DB::select()->from('shop');
$shop_query ->and_where('flag','=','on');


However, this shows an error : undefined index item1.$item1

, and of course it matters.

How can I solve this?


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1 answer

You can use the grouping method of the ->where_open/close

query builder:

public static function whatever($item1, ... the rest of your args)
    $shop_query = DB::select()
    ->where('flag', 'on')
        ->where('item1', $item1)
        ->or_where('item2', $item1)
    ->execute()->as_array(); // just change this to whatever you need

    return $shop_query; 


This turns into:

SELECT * FROM `shop` WHERE `flag` = 'on' AND (`item1` = '$item1' OR `item2` = '$item1')




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