Ng-click unexpectedly triggered by pressing Enter key in IE8

I have a simple ng-click button nested inside an ng-repeat and not on the current page <form>


<tr ng-repeat="product in catalog | limitTo: total track by $index" ng-class="{highlight: product==selected}">
    <td class="highlight-hide">
        <div ng-if="canDoSelfOrdering">
            <button class="btn btn-mini" ng-click="callPricing(product)">Price & Order</button>
    <!-- other td -->


when the directory array is updated and the user pressed ENTER without focus on any inputs. the last button element is ng-click="callPricing(product)"

triggered unintentionally.

I tried watch document.activeElement before pressing Enter key it <body>

How can this be prevented?


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1 answer

Internet Explorer documentation says that in IE8 standards mode the default button value is entered.

If the ENTER key is pressed when the user views a form that contains a Submit button, the form is submitted.

While you don't have any forms to submit, I guess IE8 doesn't validate this. Just try writing your button type as a button explicitly.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-mini" ng-click="callPricing(product)">Price & Order</button>




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