Left join condition in CriteriaQuery

Hi everyone, I am trying to do this in CriteriaQuery, I have searched for so long but I cannot find anything, can someone help me?

SELECT b.name
FROM Empl a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN Deplo b ON (a.id_depl = b.id_depl) AND b.id_place = 2;


I'm just trying to fulfill a condition in the left member of the join, I saw the ".on" function, but I don't know if this will work and how it works because I was trying to do something like this:

Join Table1, Table2j1 = root.join(Table1_.table2, JoinType.LEFT).on(cb.and(cb.equal(table2_.someid, someId)));


But this requires a boolean expression.


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1 answer

The proposal on

was submitted in JPA 2.1. Solution example:

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<String> cq = cb.createQuery(String.class);
    Root<Empl> a = cq.from(Empl.class);
    Join<Empl,Deplo> b = a.join("b", JoinType.LEFT); //left outer join
            cb.equal(b.get("id_place"), cb.parameter(Integer.class, "idPlace")),
            cb.equal(b.get("id_depl"), a.get("id_depl"))

    List<String> results = em.createQuery(cq)
                             .setParameter("idPlace", 2)




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