How to run two profiles in one maven command?

I have a pom.xml file that has a surefire: test plugin and has two profiles to run different test units / tests. I am trying to start them with the command "mvn surefire: test -PfirstProfile, secondProfile". But only the second profile written in the pom.xml is executed here. This command is recommended by the apache maven site. Here is my pom.xml file:

      <!-- <testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore> -->





so how can i combine both of these profiles? I also tried execution IDs. But it doesn't work.


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1 answer

Try changing the configuration for maven-surefire-plugin in both profiles, for example:

                  <includes combine.children="append">



In addition, it is not recommended to select unit tests by profile. If these tests are integration tests, you should go with the maven failover plugin.



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