Best way to override SaveChanges ()

We have been working on the project for 1 month and there are 6 properties without any relationship with other properties. They are all simple entities.

We have created 6 different classes for operations on each object. The SaveOrUpdateEntity () class methods are almost the same as you might think. It's something like this:

public static ErrorType SaveOrUpdateEntity(Entity entity, int userID)
        using (DataEntities ctx = new DataEntities())
            if (entity != null)
                if (entity.entityID == 0)
                    entity.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    entity.CreatedBy = userID;

                    ctx.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Added;
                    entity.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
                    entity.ModifiedBy = userID;

                    ctx.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;


        return ErrorType.NoError;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return ErrorType.SaveError;



It would be very helpful if the SaveOrUpdateEntity () method is shorter and more general by overriding the SaveChanges () method. According to other questions, articles and posts about overriding the SaveChanges () method, implementing an interface that stores the state of objects is a good solution, but I'm also wondering what other solutions are.

As I am a newbie, all answers would be much appreciated.



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1 answer

you can do the following

1- create an interface in your application so that all classes that have the following properties implement this interface: Id, CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy

public interface ITrack
      int Id{get; set;}
      int CreatedBy{get; set;}
      DateTime CreatedDate{get; set;}
      int? ModifiedBy{get; set;} // int? because at first add, there is no modification
      DateTime? ModifiedBy {get; set;}


Recommendations Determine CreatedBy

and ModifiedBy

How string

That Will Be Good for Performance and Maintenance

2- Add a class TrackableEntry

that implements the interfaceITrack

public abstract class TrackableEntry : ITrack
      public int Id{get; set;}
      public int CreatedBy{get; set;}
      public DateTime CreatedDate{get; set;}
      public int? ModifiedBy{get; set;} 
      public DateTime? ModifiedBy {get; set;}


3- remove properties mentioned in interface from all of your classes and let those classes implement directly from TrackableEntry

public class A: TrackableEntry
    //public int Id{get; set;}
    //public int CreatedBy{get; set;}
    //public DateTime CreatedDate{get; set;}
    //public int? ModifiedBy{get; set;}
    //public DateTime? ModifiedBy {get; set;}


4- In your file DbContext

override SaveChanges

and add property UserId

or UserName

if you followed the *Best practices*


public int UserId{get; set;}

public override int SaveChanges()
    var added = this.ChangeTracker.Entries()
                .Where(t => t.State == EntityState.Added)
                .Select(t => t.Entity)

    foreach (var entity in added)
        if (entity is ITrack)
            var track = entity as ITrack;
            track.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            track.CreatedBy = UserId;

    var modified = this.ChangeTracker.Entries()
                .Where(t => t.State == EntityState.Modified)
                .Select(t => t.Entity)

    foreach (var entity in modified)
        if (entity is ITrack)
            var track = entity as ITrack;
            track.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
            track.ModifiedBy = UserId;
    return base.SaveChanges();


finally in your forms when you want to call a method SaveChanges

make sure you set a value UserId


var entities=new Entities(); // assuming that your DbContext file called Entities
// code for adding or deletion or modification here
entities.As.Add(new A(){...});

// ....



hope this helps you



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