Rails custom request string

What is the best and safest way to get the string from the user and use it in the WHERE

query statement .

Let's say that I have a model named DB that contains columns c1

and c2

. I want the user to be able to give me a string like str="c1: value1"

or str="c1: value1, c2: value2"

so that I can use it to do a search ( DB.find(str)

). Of course, I don't want him / her to be able to perform SQL injection . Is there an elegant way?


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2 answers

The most important thing to avoid here is to postpone the user's response directly in the where clause. So don't do something like DB.where ("c1 = value"). Instead, you can rely on the rails built into sql-sanitizing by doing something like

DB.where ("c1 t =?", Value)

The AR documentation is really clear. http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#pure-string-conditions



If your string format is fixed, you can convert it to Hash

and then apply it to the sentence #where


string = "c1: value1, c2: value2"
hash = Hash[*string.split(/[,:]/).map(&:strip)]




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