Can the AngularJS directive template render a different directive?

I have a directive such that the template contains another directive:

var myModule = angular.module('mymodule', []);

myModule.directive('directive1', function() {
    return {
       restrict: 'E',
       scope: {
          config: '@'
       template: '<div ng-controller="mycontroller", ng-init={{config}}><directive2 config={{config}}></directive2></div>'


The code is a little weird, and the purpose of directive1 is to act as a "wrapper" so it takes in the configuration and then passes it along with "mycontroller" and directive2.

I've tried this, but somehow mycontroller doesn't accept the configuration; He said config is undefined.

Just wondering if it is supported in Angular or is there a better way to do this?



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2 answers

You can of course use nested directives.

But you have few errors in your directive template. Check out the example below and correct your template accordingly.

.directive('directive1', function() {
    return {
       restrict: 'E',
       scope: {
          config: '='
       template: '<div>Config1:{{config}}<directive2 config="config"></directive2></div>',
       link: function(scope) {
         scope.config = {
           test: 'from directive1'

.directive('directive2', function() {
    return {
       restrict: 'E',
       scope: {
          config: '='
       template: '<div>config2: {{config}}</div>'


Finally, here is the plunker that shows the nested directives.



The problem is that you are creating a new controller using ng-controller="mycontroller"

a directive in the template.

ng-controller creates a new scope, so the config object does not exist in the scope of mycontroller. If you just uninstall it ng-controller="mycontroller"

, it will work.



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