SQL Server - query to join two tables based on columnName field

I have an existing SQL Server table structure such as:

--Entries Table--
*Company* | *MusicProduct* | *FoodProduct* | *PCProduct* | *PhoneProduct* |
  Apple         iPod             null           iMac           iPhone
  Dell          null             null          Dellbook         null


Primary key in the above table Company

--Questions Table--
*ColumnName*    |   Questions
 MusicProduct        What mp3 device the company known for?
 FoodProduct         What food product describes the company best?
 PCProduct           What PC?
 PhoneProduct        What phone does the company give employees?


The primary key is in the above table ColumnName

, and it contains a row for each of the non-key columns in the first table. This certainly sounds like bad design, but it bodes well for my work.

Basically I want the query to return question and answer rows, ignoring zero answer questions for the selected individual company. The result for Apple will look like this (three lines):

  Question                                        Answer
  What mp3 device the company known for?          iPod
  What PC?                                        iMac
  What phone does the company give employees?     iPhone


How can I achieve this with the above? Could some kind of new reference table go?


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2 answers

Since you have a fixed number of columns in the records table, you can use an expression CASE

to match from the ColumnName column in the Questions table to the returned column:

WITH a as(
     SELECT q.Question
          ,CASE q.ColumnName
                WHEN 'MusicProduct' THEN e.MusicProduct
                WHEN 'FoodProduct' THEN e.FoodProduct
                WHEN 'PCProduct' THEN e.PCProduct
                WHEN 'PhoneProduct' THEN e.PhoneProduct
           END as Answer
      FROM Questions q
           CROSS JOIN Entries
     WHERE q.Company = 'Apple'
 SELECT Question, Answer
   FROM a


Using CTE allows you to use it Answer

in a condition WHERE

, avoiding repeating a long expression CASE

in a sentence WHERE

, which can cause errors in case you need to change something in it.



Please try this.

select q.question, product as answer
(select company, Musicproduct, Foodproduct, PCProduct, phoneproduct from Entries ) p
unpivot ( product for Products in (Musicproduct, Foodproduct, PCProduct, phoneproduct)
) unpvt
join questions q on unpvt.product = q.answer;




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