Gulp how to save output to file

I am using gulp

and gulp-shell

. How do I save the output to a file (created gulp


return gulp.src('.')
        'composer install --prefer-source'



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4 answers

For this I use gulp-exec


gulp.task("git_log", [], function(){
    var options = {
        continueOnError: false, // default = false, true means don't emit error event
        pipeStdout: true, // default = false, true means stdout is written to file.contents
        customTemplatingThing: "test" // content passed to gutil.template()
    var reportOptions = {
        err: false, // default = true, false means don't write err
        stderr: true, // default = true, false means don't write stderr
        stdout: false // default = true, false means don't write stdout
    return gulp.src("somefile.txt")
        .pipe(exec("pwd", options))




continue with .pipe(gulp.dest('output.file'))




Gulp Shell transfers files not the output of the commands it runs.

A quick and dirty solution not compatible with Windows and gulp is to simply pipe the output of a shell command to a file inside the command itself:

return gulp.src('.')
    'composer install --prefer-source > composer-log.txt'


This is obviously only suitable for * nix environments and doesn't scale enough to collect the output of multiple commands (although you can just add the output from all of those commands to the same file).



You can use run for this.

gulp.task 'run',->
run ("echo Hello!")
.pipe (gulp.dest "G:\\new.txt")


Install the necessary plugins for this type of gulp-run and gulp-exec.



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