How to distribute the number of users for different HTTP requests?

My scenario allows 25 users to hit one HTTP request, 75 users requesting another request, while still using one or more thread groups.

   1. Default Request:
   2. 25 Users should hit
   3. 75 Users should hit


How can I allow such distribution of users among two or more different requests at the same time using Jmeter?


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1 answer

Yes, you can do this with a sync timer, but only for a request, not multiple requests.

but a setting is possible with which you can achieve the desired load.

1. suppose you have 2 threadgroups having 1 request each. i.e. firstrequest and secondrequest 
2. create synchronizing timer as a child of testplan (by this it will be applicable to both threadgroups)
3. put no. of threads to group by as 100 (as you want 25 users to hit firstrequest and 75 users to hit secondrequest simulataneously, which means 100 concurrent users)
4. assign 25 thread count to first threadgroup
5. assign 75 thread count to first threadgroup 
6. Allow running threadgroups in parallel by not checking run threadgroups consecutively checkbox in testplan


This way you create 100 concurrent users that test 2 requests. If you don't want two requests to run at the same time, you can add a sync timer to each thread group and run the test.

enter image description here



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