Arangodb Graph that can be used

I am new to Arangodba. I have some confusion about which graph api to use. I can see one graph on the http://localhost:8529/

url. The official video talks about Gremlin (mine is also installed). Then there are negotiations about the project and the rexter. I'm confused.

I want to have a graph similar to

I have the latest version of Arangodb installed. For this I have to: 1) Install the plan 2) Install rexster 3) Install Gremlin

or plan and rexter already installed? If not, which api is showing the graph on the port url 8529.


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2 answers

First of all, you don't need to use Gremlin if you want to use the Graph features of ArangoDBs Graph. It's just a driver if you want to use Gremlin.

Therefore ArangoDB ships without Gremlin and co. if you want to use them, you need to install them additionally. If you want to go this way, follow the README (To immediately respond to your comment, the jar file is obtained after executing mvn clean install

in the drawing driver repository.)

If you just want to use the graph features (maybe even in another language and then Java) please check the ArangoDBs drivers to choose a driver for your language.Most of them have a current implementation our old graphics module and some of them already support the new (recommended) graph module html .

If you don't want to build the app right away, you can also use the WebInterface (visually) to create a sample graph using the graphs tab (just create a new graph, give it multiple collections (they shouldn't exist) though)). Then you can click on the graph and go to the visual editor where you can create your graph using the toolbar on the left. If you want to play with a more shell style, I would suggest you use the one arangosh

that comes with ArangoDB. There you can copy and paste the examples from the above documentation links. To get a feel for how everything works in ArangoDB.



Cloned the git repository

in my local location from eclipse and then right clicked on the project and clicked Install. He creates the necessary jar.



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