How to create moving turtles from shapefiles in Netlogo

I am just getting started with using Netlogo to create an agent based model. I have two shapefiles that I want to use: a city network map (line-shapefile) and a city scooter dot file. The idea is to make them travel through the city along the lines of the network shapefile. Since I'm new to Netlogo, I was able to load these shapefiles in my model. Can anyone give me a headgear helping me create turtles from scooter (dot) registrations and letting them navigate network lines. So far, I've found a little help on the internet and it won't work with trial and error. So far, my code was as follows:

extensions [ gis ]

to load
  let network gis:load-dataset "Roads_Asmterdam.shp"

  foreach gis:feature-list-of network
  [ gis:set-drawing-color white
    gis:draw ? 0.3


  let people gis:load-dataset "scooters_Amsterdam.shp"
   foreach gis:feature-list-of people
  [ gis:set-drawing-color blue
    gis:draw people 3




So, as far as I know, I need a function where I want to move the turtles. And I need a function to generate possible moving turtles from a point-shape file, but also I need to tell them that they are only using lines and not the whole area.

Thank you very much in advance!


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1 answer

After downloading the line shape file, you need to convert them to agent / turtles network and link them. NetLogo doesn't do this for you, you have to iterate over all the features, line segments and coordinate yourself. Then you need to place the scooters in coordinates from the linear grid, and then you can "ask" them to move.

This is what I came up with:

extensions [ gis ]
globals [ roads-dataset scooter-dataset ]
breed [ nodes node ]
breed [ scooters scooter ]
breed [ walkers walker ]
walkers-own [ wlocation ]
scooters-own [slocation]

to setup
  ; reset

  ; load data set
  gis:load-coordinate-system (word "C:/Program Files/NetLogo 5.3.1/app/models/Code Examples/GIS/data/WGS_84_Geographic.prj")
  set roads-dataset gis:load-dataset "C:/shape/roads.shp"
  set scooter-dataset gis:load-dataset "C:/shape/scooter.shp"
  gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-of roads-dataset)

  ; draw data set
  gis:set-drawing-color blue
  gis:draw roads-dataset 1


to make-road-network
  let first-node nobody
  let previous-node nobody
  foreach gis:feature-list-of roads-dataset [ ; each polyline
    foreach gis:vertex-lists-of ? [ ; each polyline segment / coordinate pair
      foreach ? [ ; each coordinate
        let location gis:location-of ?
        if not empty? location [ ; some coordinates are empty []
          create-nodes 1 [
            set color green
            set size 1
            set xcor item 0 location
            set ycor item 1 location
            set hidden? true
            if first-node = nobody [
              set first-node self
            if previous-node != nobody [
              create-link-with previous-node
            set previous-node self
      set previous-node nobody
  ; connect adjacent polylines/roads
  ask nodes [ create-links-with other nodes in-radius 0.001 ]

to add-agents
  create-walkers 5 [
    set color red
    set wlocation one-of nodes
    move-to wlocation

to add-scooters
  foreach gis:feature-list-of scooter-dataset [ 
    foreach gis:vertex-lists-of ? [
      let location gis:location-of (first ?)

      create-scooters 1 [
        set color yellow
        set size 1
        set xcor item 0 location 
        set ycor item 1 location

        let nearest-node min-one-of (nodes in-radius 10)[distance myself]
        set slocation nearest-node
        move-to slocation

to go
  ask walkers [
    let new-location one-of [link-neighbors] of wlocation
    move-to new-location
    set wlocation new-location
  ask scooters [
    let new-location one-of [link-neighbors] of slocation
    move-to new-location
    set slocation new-location


Some resources and sample code that I found particularly helpful:



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