Identifying the context of a word in a sentence

I have created a classifier for the classroom class of nouns, adjectives, Named Entities in this sentence. I have used Wikipedia's large dataset for classification.


Where was Abraham Lincoln born?

So the classifier will give a result like this - word - class

  • Where is the question
  • Abraham Lincoln - man, film, book (because the classifier find Abraham Lincoln in all categories)
  • born - time

When was Titanic released?

  • when is the question
  • Titanic - Song, Movie, Car, Game (Titanic is classified in all of these categories).

Is there a way to define the exact context for a word?

Please look:

  • The meaning of the sense of the word would not help here. Because there may not be many words in a sentence that can help
  • Lesk's algorithm with wordnet or sysnet doesn't help either. Because this means that the word Bank

    lesk algo will behave like this

    ======== TESTING simple_lesk ===========

    TESTING simple_lesk () ...

    Context: I went to the bank to deposit money

    Meaning: Synset ('depository_financial_institution.n.01')

    Definition: A financial institution that accepts deposits and channels money into lending activities.

    TESTING simple_lesk () with POS ...

    Context: the riverbank was full of dead fish

    Sense: Synset ('bank.n.01')

    Definition: Sloping ground (especially slope around a body of water)

Here Bank

it is proposed for the word as financial institute

and slopping land

. Although in my case I already get a prediction like Titanic

, then it could be movie

or game


I want to know whether there is a different approach, except Lesk algo

, baseline algo

, traditional word sense disambiguation

that can help me determine which class is right for a particular keyword?

Titanic -


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1 answer

Thanks for using the pywsd

examples . As far as wsd goes, there are many other options and I code them myself in my spare time. So if you want this to improve, please join me on coding an open source tool =)

At the same time, you will find the following technologies more important to your task, such as:

The above technologies usually include several subtasks, for example:

Basically, you are asking for a tool that is an NP-complete AI system for text and text processing, so I don't think such a tool exists yet. Perhaps it is IBM Watson.

if you're looking for a search box, the box is there, but if you're looking at tools, chances are the wikification tools are closest to what you might need. ( )



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