HikariCP connection pool for multiple databases

I am developing a monitoring plugin that queries multiple databases. I would like to use HikariCP to keep the connection open, but I don't know how to create a connection pool.

Does HikariCP only use one pool for multiple databases? or just one pool for one database and my responsibility is to instantiate as many pools as possible that I will be using.


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1 answer

One last thing: a pool is associated with a single database configuration parameter and you are responsible for creating as many pools as possible as a database. Create pools accordingly.

I have DataSourceFactory

to accomplish this:

public final class DataSourceFactory {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataSourceFactory.class);

    //connection to MySQL
    private static DataSource mySQLDataSource;
    //connection to PostgreSQL
    private static DataSource postgresDataSource;

    private DataSourceFactory() { }

    //generic method to create the DataSource based on configuration
    private static DataSource getDataSource(String configurationProperties) {
        Properties conf = new Properties();
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Can't locate database configuration", e);
        HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(conf);
        HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource(config);
        return dataSource;

    //retrieve the datasource for MySQL
    public static DataSource getMySQLDataSource() {
        LOG.debug("Retrieving data source for MySQL");
        if (mySQLDataSource == null) {
            synchronized(DataSourceFactory.class) {
                if (mySQLDataSource == null) {
                    LOG.debug("Creating data source for MySQL");
                    mySQLDataSource = getDataSource("mysql-connection.properties");
        return mySQLDataSource;

    //retrieve the datasource for Postgres
    public static DataSource getPostgresDataSource() {
        LOG.debug("Retrieving data source for Postgres");
        if (postgresDataSource == null) {
            synchronized(DataSourceFactory.class) {
                if (postgresDataSource == null) {
                    LOG.debug("Creating data source for Postgres");
                    postgresDataSource = getDataSource("postgres-connection.properties");
        return postgresDataSource;


Here's an example of a file configuration:





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