(Win7 / Putty) How to use MySQL Workbench to connect to DB server which is only accessible after ssh'ing to the jump server
I have been granted access to a database server that can only be accessed after ssh'ing to another Linux server. Once I get on this Linux server, I can use the command line mysql client to remotely connect to the db server.
I would like to be able to use MySQL Workbench (or another Windows client) in order to have a GUI interface.
I have putty and played around with proxy options but had no effect.
Any help or pointers in this regard would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
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MySQL Workbench supports SSH connections. This way you can use SSH jump server and connect from there to your real server. Just select the connection type "Standard TCP / IP over SSH" when creating a new connection. In my tutorial video on the MySQL Youtube channel on creating a connection and troubleshooting, I show (among other things) how to set up such an SSH connection.
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